When dental emergencies strike, it’s important to stay calm and put a plan into action. When you’ve got a plan, managing stress and making the best decision for the situation is easier.
That said, not everything can be planned for, so what should you do if you have a dental emergency, but can’t reach your dentist?
What is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is any issue that requires immediate attention. Some common dental emergencies are:
- Severe or persistent toothache
- A badly damaged or completely knocked tooth
- Swelling of the face or jaw (dental abscess)
- Severe injury to the lips, mouth, or jaw
The best course of action is to call your dentist after a dental emergency, but this isn’t always possible.
What to Do When I Can’t Reach My Dentist
If a tooth is knocked out, gently pick it up by the crown (tooth part), clean it with water, and reposition it in the tooth socket. If unable to do this, store it in a cup of milk or saliva. You can try managing the pain symptoms of dental emergencies with over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol), naproxen (Aleve), or ibuprofen (Advil). Warm, salt water rinses and gently flossing to dislodge any potential foreign bodies can also help.
If a chipped or cracked tooth is irritating the surrounding soft tissue, cover the tooth with dental wax until you can see your dentist. Be sure to schedule a visit with your dentist ASAP after a dental emergency!
When Do I Go to the Emergency Room?
If you’re experiencing extreme pain or have bleeding that does not stop within 15-20 minutes, you should seek emergency care immediately. If your city has an emergency dentist, you should call or head to their office as soon as you’re able.
If you’re experiencing symptoms that impede your ability to drive safely like dizziness, blurred vision, or excessive bleeding, have someone escort you for emergency care if possible.
Emergency Dental Care in Clyde, Nc!
Peak Dentistry is here for you during your dental emergency! Call us at 828-209-8488 and rest easy knowing you’re in capable hands!
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