Emergency Dental Care in Clyde, NC
When a dental emergency strikes, you need an emergency dentist as quickly as possible. The moments immediately following a dental accident are critical for saving your tooth and minimizing damage. At Peak Dentistry, we understand this, and we’re committed to getting you an emergency dental appointment the same day you call. Contact our office today!
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Common Dental Emergencies
Emergencies affect every patient differently. However, there are a few dental emergencies that are rather common. Call our office immediately if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Knocked-Out Tooth
- Broken Tooth
- Excessive Bleeding or Swelling
- Severe Toothache
- Lost Filling or Restoration
Best Practices in a Dental Emergency
Before your emergency dentist appointment, there are a few things you can do to reduce pain and increase your chances of saving your tooth. If you’re suffering from a broken or knocked-out tooth, retrieve all of the pieces, gently rinse them, and attempt to place them back into the socket. If that is not possible, transport them to our office in a cup of milk to protect the root. If you’re experiencing excessive bleeding, place gauze on the affected area until bleeding subsides. For severe toothaches, gently floss around the area to ensure there are no lodged food particles causing pain. Most importantly, notify our office of your dental emergency as quickly as possible.
Preventing a Dental Emergency
Many dental emergencies can be avoided by maintaining a rigorous dental hygiene routine and attending your biannual cleanings. However, there are some dental emergencies that arise unexpectedly. If you’re actively involved in sports or other physical activity, you can protect your teeth by wearing a mouthguard. Similarly, damage from grinding your teeth at night can be prevented by wearing a nightguard while you sleep.
Dental Emergencies FAQs
What is considered a dental emergency?
Anytime you have a condition that requires immediate treatment to save a tooth, stop continuous tissue bleeding, or to relieve severe pain or infection you need to see an emergency dentist. A dental abscess that is accompanied by a fever indicates infection and this situation can become life-threatening if it is ignored. There are numerous other dental issues like a tooth fracture, a lost filling or a broken restoration that can be very uncomfortable and inconvenient. We want to take care of these problems right away but they aren’t always considered emergencies. The Ramellini doctors can help you determine the difference between a situation that requires immediate care and one that will be okay with urgent care.
What to do if you have a dental emergency?
The first thing to do is contact Peak Dentistry immediately. Dentists are almost always better prepared to handle tooth trauma than hospital emergency rooms. The exception is if you have been in an accident and have sustained other injuries that require emergency medical attention. There are often things we can advise you to do that will mitigate the damage or ease your discomfort while you are waiting to be seen. Don’t try to handle emergencies on your own. Without professional training, it can be difficult to know which situations could become serious if ignored.
Can tooth pain go away on its own?
Tooth pain can go away on its own if it isn’t caused by a problem in the tooth itself. For example, sometimes sinus inflammation caused by a head cold or allergies can cause tooth pain. Or something temporarily lodged between your teeth can cause irritation. However, if your toothache is caused by any kind of trouble with the tooth, it won’t go away on its own. It may subside temporarily, but the problem will still be there waiting to strike again. If you ignore tooth pain it’s likely to turn into a dental emergency.