Joseph Ramellini, DMD

Gabrielle Ramellini, DMD, Diplomate, ABDSM

Joseph Ramellini, DMD

Gabrielle Ramellini, DMD, Diplomate, ABDSM

Don’t Let Your Dental Insurance Benefits Go To Waste

Photo of a computer screen showing dental insurance information.

Dental care can be expensive. Insurance covers preventive care and helps reduce your out-of-pocket costs. There are many insurance plans out there, such as PPO and DHMO plans. If you aren’t sure what your plan covers, you can find the information online or call your insurance provider. Every year, your benefits reset. Many people fail to take advantage! Here’s how to make sure your benefits don’t go to waste.

Schedule Routine Cleanings & Exams Every Six Months

Pretty much all dental insurance plans cover preventive care. That means you don’t have to pay for routine cleanings and exams. To make the most of this coverage, schedule cleanings every six months. When you’re at the office, schedule the next appointment right away so you don’t forget. These regular cleanings keep you healthy and let us catch problems before they become more serious and costly to treat.

Talk to Us About Treatments That Insurance Will Help Pay For

At your exam, ask Drs. Joseph and Gabrielle Ramellini if they recommend any treatments that could benefit you. Together, we can find out if insurance covers any of these treatments and reduces your out-of-pocket costs. Depending on the details of your plan, you might be surprised at how little you have to pay.

Split Up Certain Treatments to Save Money

If you need a complex treatment that can’t wait until your benefits reset, you might be able to split it up. This way, you’ll get the first part done at the end of the year and then finish the treatment soon after when insurance benefits reset. Dividing up treatments this way reduces your out-of-pocket costs.

High-Quality Holistic Dentistry at Peak Dentistry

At our Clyde office, we believe in the total body health approach to dentistry. Rather than just treating symptoms, we look at your mouth and teeth as a vital part of your overall health. If you have insurance, we strongly recommend taking full advantage of preventive care coverage. We want to prevent problems and protect your health! We also offer CareCredit and Wells Fargo Health Advantage financing options. Please contact us today if you have questions or want to book an appointment!

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