For most young adults, getting wisdom teeth extraction surgery is almost like a rite of passage. That’s because wisdom teeth begin to emerge between the ages of 16-19. If left untouched, they can cause dental problems later in life. It’s for this reason that most dentists suggest removing wisdom teeth before they create issues. If you’re curious about when it’s time for you or your child to have these molars extracted, we have answers for you.
Problems Wisdom Teeth Can Cause
If left alone, wisdom teeth can cause problems with teeth misalignment, jaw pain, and gum disease. If the teeth begin to crowd, they will be more difficult to clean, making them more susceptible to cavities and infection. Wisdom teeth can also create sinus pain and congestion. All things considered, it’s best to remove them before they create damage to your oral health.

When to Remove Wisdom Teeth
If you or your child are within the window of late adolescence to young adulthood, it’s best to have a dentist x-ray the mouth to see where the wisdom teeth are, if they have not yet begun to emerge. If they have started to emerge, it will likely cause a bit of pain as they cut through gums and start to push in. If you’re having tooth sensitivity, mouth pain, or have a history of tooth crowding and misalignment, having this surgery sooner rather than later is a good idea. We also recommend having the procedure done over spring break or during summer vacation to ensure the patient has time to heal and rest.
The Process of Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth extraction surgery is a routine and simple procedure. You’ll receive anesthesia, which will make the surgery painless and easy. Once we remove all of the wisdom teeth, you’ll be sent on your way home. You’ll need a ride home and some help getting into bed to rest. You’ll need to lay low for a couple of days, eating soft foods and avoiding straws, and caring gently for your mouth until the wounds heal. You’ll heal quickly if you follow our instructions.
When to Call Us
Call us for a consultation if you’re within the typical time frame of getting wisdom teeth, or if you’ve noticed pain and pressure in the back of your mouth. It’s also best to come in before heading off to college, so we can make sure to tackle the problem while there’s still plenty of time to rest.
We can help easily and quickly remove your wisdom teeth and keep your smile beautiful and healthy! Call today.
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